Read this first: (And I apologize if it turns into a dead link)
So it's an article about a picture Lance Armstrong uploaded to twitter or facebook or whatever, and here's the first sentence: Now THIS is a finely-honed troll move.
Never before have I wanted to punch somebody in the throat for being so retarded. As soon as I read that sentence I stopped the music I was listening to, stopped eating my chicken, and let out a grunt of defeat. I'm dead, congratulations internet. When I was a little kid playing flash games in 2002 I never dreamed that people could be payed to talk in such a fucking stupid manner.
Here's the second sentence: Armstrong is, of course, reclining oh-so-casually in front of the seven Tour de France jerseys he won.
Well, you put the picture up there, we can see it for ourselves you idiot. I especially love the fact that you used the term "oh-so-casually" instead of just "casually" or instead of just nothing. It's a good example of something yahoo shit-heads always do, put their dumbass opinions and unnecessary stupidity in articles that don't warrant it at all. This article isn't even necessary at all. It's just reporting that he uploaded a picture of himself, on a couch, next to the jerseys he won. Who fucking cares?
The article is really short and there isn't much else to make fun of, you could follow this asshole on twitter to see the other stupid shit he says if you want, but that first sentence is really, truly stupid. The word "troll" once referred to someone dedicated to fucking with people on the internet. It eventually changed to a word used by online gamers to refer to anything happening that they don't like (That goomba trolled me!) (This boss level loves trolling me) (That warrior is a really trollior! LOLOLO) and now it fucking refers to anything done by anyone to anyone that could possibly be interpreted as antagonistic. It's like the word "epic". It's just completely devolved and nowadays you look like a total retard for using it in any context.